“The tree trolls are growing especially well this year,” mother told me as I packed my bag to fly to the mainland. If you don’t know, tree trolls are this native type of animal that grows on trees. They look like koalas but can talk. Yah, I know! crazy. My mom is the world’s best tree troll farmer. She would get fifty of them from a good season’s harvest. “Here, take this to the mainland,” she said while handing a baby tree troll to me. I stuffed her into my suitcase, keeping the zippers open a little bit so that the troll could breathe. I named her Joe. Joe was kinda loud during our trip. “Hey, be quiet,” I said, “we’re going through security.” “Okay,” Joe replied, quietly. The security agent brutally tore open my suitcase, exposing Joe to the public. “What is this?” “A tree troll.” “Cute, have a good day.” “Have a good day.” I smiled and walked away, holding Joe in my left hand, maneuvering the suitcase in my right. “Hey, I love you,” I whispered to Joe. “I love you too,” my baby whispered back.

  • Today I don’t feel like doing anything.
  • I watered some plants and opened up a book! #livelaughlove
  • My pet turtle died yesterday. I have never ever experienced such sad emotions, and I will miss her forever.
  • Online-shopping at #Macys! Love the holiday season <3
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  • There’s nothing wrong with being yourself.
  • I just got news that my grandfather died a few minutes ago. His memory will forever live with me. He will, forever and ever, be in my heart. I love you, grandpa.
  • Today I got my first ever tattoo. I hope that every time I look at it, it will remind me of my pet turtle. I loved you, Franklin, I loved you so, so very much!
  • Most liked comment on this post goes in my bio forever.
  • Hey everyone! Introducing my new pet turtle!! Please give me some name suggestions. I’m thinking Jimmy, or something profound like Raphael. So excited to become a pet owner again. Yay!!

So, after a long weekend, I realized that the amount of sunlight in my dorm is insufficient for my plants' growth.

I'm looking for a sustainable, eco-friendly way of getting light. Do wind-powered lamps exist? Maybe snow-powered lamps? Not sure.