The hostess of House of Joy, a traditional Dim Sum restaurant in the heart of Chinatown, stood nervously next to her hostess stand as she tried to devise a plan to lead groups and groups of tourists, locals, and passionate foodies into their medium-sized one-story establishment crammed with tens and hundreds of tables. House of Joy has been open in Chinatown for 33 years, and it has become a go-to place for families to reunite and enjoy a delicious lunch.

Guests dressed in colorful, stylish attire passionately conversed in Cantonese, English, or Mandarin in many different dialects.

At House of Joy, waiters in their professional red chef-isque attire would approach with carts of steamy pork buns and delicately prepared desserts. “This?” The waiters often asked as they carefully opened their bamboo steamers, revealing the exquisitely made translucent shrimp dumplings.

For many Chinese patrons, House of Joy is home, where childhood Dim Sum memories are rekindled, where they can meet strangers who speak the same language, and where they can feel like they belong. For many others, House of Joy is an eye-opening place where cultures clash, a place to enjoy the merriment of taking that first juicy bite of a steamed rice noodle roll.

It was a hot Saturday in Orlando, Florida. Jenny travels to Disney, searching for true magic.

Chapter 1 - Lost Children
Jenny nervously enters the Animal Kingdom theme park in her black jumpsuit. “Hey, why are so many people standing over there,” she thought to herself. Jenny walks toward the gathering and sees a sign that says “lost children.” Jenny reckons this sign is misguiding because some of these children look like they’re in their late forties.

Chapter 2 - Gorilla

Chapter 3 - the threshold
As Jenny tours the theme park by herself, she sees a picture of some dinosaur eating an alligator of sorts. Jenny’s petrified. She finally recognizes that magic is, in fact (contrary to what human rights activist JK Rowling believes), not real. Jen witnesses the harsh reality of the food chain and cries uncontrollably.

Chapter 4 - bugs?
Jenny trudges through the tough terrain of Discovery Island. She does not know where she is, she does not know where she is going. Lost in the rustic wilderness, Jenny sees a glimpse of a…crowd! She quickly runs toward the outline of men and finds herself enclosed in a small hallway. “It’s hard to see in here…” she mutters. “Hey, what does that poster say on the wall?” “The dung and I?” Maybe magic is real.

Chapter 5 - bugs.
Confused, Jenny gets hurdled by the crowd into an underground facility. “Hello, honorary bug!” the bug protagonist calls her endearingly. Jenny decides to immediately run away, but the door is locked. Jenny ends up sitting down and watching the entire bug fiasco. Beatles, maggots, flies everywhere.

Maybe magic is real


Tired lonesome
Garbage kingdom
Exploited working class
Homer Simpson
Deranged essentialism
Constructive critics
Epic slam poetry
Ronald Reagan
Bruh society
Dyslexia guy
Non chipotle

Queen antsy 
 Bad takes yo
  Profanity hah

Today, after someone told me in a meeting that the chance of me getting into my favorite college is small, my mom texted me back and said “我觉得你很好的” – which translates to I think you are great.

My mom is an expressive person. She’s willing to express love, happiness, compassion, just not sadness. I would love to share her emotions too, her anger and sadness, just like she shares mine. I love her so much, she's the most important person in my life.