Patricia sat gracefully in her tarot reading booth, listening to the new Hozier album while watching people walk by.

She's been in Italy for around two weeks now, and - to her dismay - the Italians don't seem as interested in her antics as she thought they'd be.

"It's gonna be such a great con," she remember telling Sabrina - her best "friend" - the night before she left. "I would earn so much money, and all I have to do is say some random things." "People wanna hear what they wanna hear, and I'll tell them those things. Ya' want a kid? Sure, you'll get a little girl in the future. Ya' want a boyfriend? You'll get one in, uh, let's say the next ten years."

"- Pat, I can think of countless other unethical ways of making money that take much much less effort," Sabrina told her - but she didn't listen.

Patricia never listens.

Label: none

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