
"How am I supposed to learn all these things I want to learn if I can't afford to feed myself?"

There are so many things about this that are messed up and sad, and it's the reality for so many people around the world. I don't understand why some people can act without consideration for others; so many people are suffering.

She is a street artist.

103 is her home, but she spends more time at work.

She considers art her job.

She rents a small windowless room in Brooklyn.

She creates and sells her art there,

She daydreams about painting the best murals there.

She is at the bottom of the artist food chain.

She has no art degree — school was too expensive.

She has no connections — no fancy collectives to follow.

She has no concept of time - over two minutes, and the cops arrive.

All she has is her art.

All she needs is her art.

She thinks she is a real street artist. No tarnish —

Real paint.