
It was a hot Saturday in Orlando, Florida. Jenny travels to Disney, searching for true magic.

Chapter 1 - Lost Children
Jenny nervously enters the Animal Kingdom theme park in her black jumpsuit. “Hey, why are so many people standing over there,” she thought to herself. Jenny walks toward the gathering and sees a sign that says “lost children.” Jenny reckons this sign is misguiding because some of these children look like they’re in their late forties.

Chapter 2 - Gorilla

Chapter 3 - the threshold
As Jenny tours the theme park by herself, she sees a picture of some dinosaur eating an alligator of sorts. Jenny’s petrified. She finally recognizes that magic is, in fact (contrary to what human rights activist JK Rowling believes), not real. Jen witnesses the harsh reality of the food chain and cries uncontrollably.

Chapter 4 - bugs?
Jenny trudges through the tough terrain of Discovery Island. She does not know where she is, she does not know where she is going. Lost in the rustic wilderness, Jenny sees a glimpse of a…crowd! She quickly runs toward the outline of men and finds herself enclosed in a small hallway. “It’s hard to see in here…” she mutters. “Hey, what does that poster say on the wall?” “The dung and I?” Maybe magic is real.

Chapter 5 - bugs.
Confused, Jenny gets hurdled by the crowd into an underground facility. “Hello, honorary bug!” the bug protagonist calls her endearingly. Jenny decides to immediately run away, but the door is locked. Jenny ends up sitting down and watching the entire bug fiasco. Beatles, maggots, flies everywhere.

Maybe magic is real